Afterthoughts around about Kernel code and custom operators complaints

Maybe a different way of framing it would also be useful: Elm itself is designed for user success, or making it easy to do the right thing, and hard to do the wrong thing.

Is this a way of thinking that could be applied to working on Elm too? Because right now it seems that the process of trying to contribute to Elm actually sets people up for failure. elm-explorations is one place where we’ve seen this now, but I think it’s the same problem that occurs when someone creates a PR or an issue that doesn’t get a timely or useful response, like in this thread.

I realize things are this way for a reason, and I’m not suggesting any change here is easy or simple. But maybe just asking “How can we set the user up for success both when using Elm as a tool, but also when interacting with the process around Elm?” is helpful.