Maybe this can be added as an additional bug/fix … As I found, elm-apps crash when screen-readers are used:
opened 02:36PM - 22 Feb 21 UTC
I just found out that the application of ScreenReaders for blind, such as the Ch… rome ScreenReaders results in a crash of an elm application. It seems to add additional nodes into the application, that elm cannot handle.
Tested with:

It seems, that this problem can be fixed by applying the following patch:
Probably this could be integrated in general, since it seems to solve a couple of other problems with browser extensions.
the same topic was also discussed here:
When I try to run my Elm app with ChromeVox , I see a continual stream of “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘childNodes’ of undefined”.
What I’m guessing is I’m hitting a case similar to what is described here : i.e. it’s caused by Elm taking over the body.
Do I have any resolution to make my app compatible with screen readers?
Additionally, the same error occurs, when googletranslate is used. All systems change the dom slightly, however this patch seems to work and solves the problem …