Analysis of Elm core issues and patches

I don’t know if I misunderstood the problem, but, if I did get it well, it seems to me that making Elm Apps crash for the sake of not having an additional div > in the print CSS seems to be overkill.

I kind of got the impression that the extra <div> approach is not enough to solve it. There are some plugins that still break that?

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Yes, Grammarly: Grammarly also adds nodes deeply inside your HTML · Issue #12 · jinjor/elm-break-dom · GitHub

(It’s been a while since I posted that issue and I haven’t re-checked since then, so there’s a chance Grammarly doesn’t do that anymore. But I’m sure there are other browser extensions that can insert a piece of UI deeper into the DOM.)

Also, Google Translate replaces text nodes with <font> tags (I believe to keep track of which pieces of text have been translated).

The approach I took in GitHub - lydell/elm-safe-virtual-dom (unfinished) is letting you provide a JavaScript function that decides what to do with elements in Elm-controlled parts of the DOM that aren’t created by Elm (keep or delete).


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