Elm tooling for Nix and NixOS users

I think we can try to go remote install friendly derivation > NUR > nixpkgs if possible. Of course over course of some time with respect to those upstreams.

I was just thinking about setting up Cachix. Seem that builds are reasonably fast but I just merged optional builds of elmi-to-json from the source. So steps I have in mind now are:

  • test it in the wild
  • compile Haskell by default and use Cachix
  • NUR
  • nixpkgs

Feel free to open any PR / issue or make any suggestion what to do with it. What I would love to see is with this becoming base of community controlled solution in the future as with things like this it’s always nice to share fixes and improvements. I really believe elm dev experience on NixOS can be much much better out of the box without that much work. All it takes is a little bit and all the folks adopting nix after won’t need to spend hours solving issues.