Experimental JSON decoding API

I recognise the suggested benefits, but I still have a fairly strong preference for the existing API:

  • It is similar to the elm/parser API, and it’s nice to have this kind of uniformity as JSON decoding is a special case of parsing. It’s also a good stepping stone towards learning elm/parser.

  • In the experimental API, the name of each field appears 4 times (or 3 times if using the record constructor) instead of once with the existing API. Particularly in the case of JSON objects with many fields, this will be very noisy.
    For example, when parsing Postgres query plans, I have field names like “Actual Total Time” or “Rows Removed by Filter”, with correspondingly long field names in the records.

  • As Joël pointed out, fields can still be swapped if people use a constructor with succeed (and it’s likely that they will in order to avoid typing field names yet again).

  • This API is based on continuation passing, which is known to result in “callback pyramids of doom” in JavaScript. On one hand, the negative consequences are limited because each callback is very short. On the other hand, if this approach becomes popular and spreads to other packages and applications (especially if aided by elm-format), I suspect that it will lead to similar problems as in JavaScript (overly complex functions, over-reliance on inversion of control, refactoring difficulties, line length issues).

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