How can I send large arrays through ports?

Hello, welcome to Elm.

Can you show your code? I’ve just sent through an array of 50 million integers as a flag, and traced out List.length on the incoming array, so it doesn’t look like it’s the size of the array that’s the problem.

Might be how you’re manipulating the data when it’s received? Code examples would help others help you :slight_smile:

Edit: I’ve also just sent through a List (List Int) of length 250,000, where each of the inner Lists contain 100 Ints, so a total of 25,000,000 elements.

When received by Elm I ran the following without a problem, albeit it a took a few seconds:

Debug.log "a" (List.concat flags.a |> String.fromInt |> List.length)

This logged a: 25000000 to the console.