How to write parameterized tests in Elm

If you want different Expectations, then you’ll need to have different tests.

suite : Test
suite =
    describe "isOdd" <|
            (\{ given, expected } ->
                test (String.fromInt given) <|
                    \_ ->
                        Expect.equal expected (isOdd given)
            [ { given = 1, expected = True }
            , { given = 2, expected = False }
            , { given = 3, expected = True }
            , { given = 6, expected = False }

This pattern is similar to “table driven tests” that Go community prefers, but because of the way argument order works, your test code will come before your test data “table”; no biggie imo

Also, feel free to use Debug.toString given instead of String.fromInt given if your given is a more complicated type. Since this is just test, using Debug to spell out the test name is probably forgivable.