In the thread where I ask if others have run into GitHub action OOM, you can see another commercial user noting they have hit OOM issues, pointed out one of them specifically. We have one OOM issue in our GitHub action builds also, recently mitigated by using different garbage collection algorithm, but still occurs sometimes. I haven’t had time to reduce to a smaller reproducing example, from the 1300 modules of the app, but will create a bug report when I do get time. It sounds like other commercial users either have small codebases or aren’t complainly loudly.
Generally, I am worried that no one is proactively applying this to the compiler implementation - GitHub - ndmitchell/spaceleak: Notes on space leaks - and if no one is, I don’t know if using Haskell (instead of rust, ocaml, etc) makes sense, because it feels like you are setting yourself up for a program full of space leaks. Maybe Evan or another early contributor already is a master of avoiding space leaks or has diagnosed them already, and I am worrying for no reason…
Update: link to previous discussion - OOM with elm make using ` +RTS -N2 -A16m -n4m` on GitHub actions runner - #2 by ymtszw