Here are some resources that may help:
My impression is that Elm is done pretty well and it works well to build an ecosystem around it, so most of the innovation right now is happing in the tooling which is amazing and keeps getting better.
It appears Elm is still actively maintained and perhaps a new release will be coming:
There appears to be an informal core team, which is good.
It may get uncomfortable at times when we don’t see more features being added. There are multiple ways to look at this. One quote that comes to mind:
A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Many have raised this concern and if the past is any indication, things may not change. However, what we have now is working well for most of us. What you can do is promote elm by sharing success stories, blog posts, develop tooling/packages, etc. This will probably do more to keep Elm alive than anything.