State of Elm 2018 Questions (Draft 1)

Ok, here’s that next draft. I’ve grouped the questions and bolded the new ones.

Some specific questions:

  • @avh4: how useful is getting the data about elm-format? I’m inclined to leave that question in this year because I’d like to see if there’s any year-over-year change. But if you don’t think it’s intrinsically valuable, it could get dropped.
  • Is there any way we could make this more accessible to students / beginners?

Your Background

  1. Do you use Elm?
    • Yes, at work
    • Yes, in side projects
    • Yes, as a student
    • I used to, but don’t any more
    • No, but I’m curious about it
    • No, and I don’t intend to
  2. What is your level of experience with functional programming?
  3. What programming community are you “coming from?” (changed from “what language”) (note on this question: “none” should be encouraged as a valid answer.)
  4. Where do you go for Elm news and discussion?
  5. What did/do you use to learn Elm? (resources, classes, et cetera?)
  6. Is there a local Elm meetup near you?
  7. What’s the nearest big city to you?

Where do you use Elm?

  1. In which domains are you applying Elm?
  2. How long have you been using Elm?
  3. How far along is your most mature Elm project?
    1. Considering for a future project <- not great
    2. In the planning / learning / exploration phase
    3. In development
    4. In staging
    5. Shipped / released to users / in production
  4. Is that project at… work, side project, open source
  5. What versions of Elm are you using?

How do you use Elm?

  1. Do you format your code with elm-format?
  2. What tools or frameworks do you use to style your Elm applications? (“I just write plain 'ol CSS” is an acceptable answer here!)
  3. What tools do you use to build your Elm projects?
  4. What tools do you use to test your Elm projects?
  5. What do you write tests for in your Elm projects?
  6. What do you like the most about your use of Elm?
  7. What has been the biggest pain point in your use of Elm?
  8. When you have to integrate with JavaScript, what’s usually the reason?
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