Understanding side effects in Elm vs other languages

Yes, in the IO context.

‘do notation’ is fancy syntax sugar for repeatedly applying the ‘bind’ (andThen) function in a way that it looks like it’s a pure function returning a value for whatever monad context it’s in. You can see this in the structural difference between the two examples you quoted - the elm version has to repeatedly capture output in a lambda, while haskell can assign it using the back arrow “<-”.

So the interesting part is what ‘bind’ actually does under the hood - and this is defined differently for each monad (similar to how we have different Maybe.andThen vs. Task.andThen).

In the IO case, I believe Haskell’s lazyness means that the operation is stored in a “thunk” within the context (as though it’s a partial function) and evaluation is started whenever it decides the value will be needed.

So depending on the operation, this might be right away, or carry it around with other thunks, waiting until the last minute to start them.

Contrast this with Elm where we know the task will start at the next TEA loop, or procedural languages where promises will be queued for next available opportunity.

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