about elm katex

I am posting for the first time.


The following is an excerpt.

The inline expression does not change dynamically and is added.
If anyone is familiar with it, please let me know.

elm source:///////////////////////
divkatex lstkatex= lstkatex |> List.map (K.generate htmlGenerator) |> div [class “katexl”]

var elts = document.getElementsByClassName(‘katexl’);
var opt = {
delimiters: [
left: “$begin-inline$”, right: “$end-inline$”, display: false
left: “$begin-display$”, right: “$end-display$”, display: true
document.addEventListener(“DOMSubtreeModified”, function() {
for(var i = 0 ; i < elts.length ; ++i){

When I analyze the state of the dom, I can see that it is due to the addition of span for expression display. In Elm, I added a class name (“inline”) to the target element, and based on that, I managed to fix it by removing the unnecessary one.

htmlGenerator isDisplayMode stringLatex =
case isDisplayMode of
Just True →
div [style “font-size” “30px”] [ text stringLatex ]
Just False →
span [style “font-size” “30px”,class “inline”] [ text stringLatex ]
Nothing →
span [style “font-size” “30px”,class “human”] [ text stringLatex ]

divkatex lstkatex= lstkatex |> List.map (K.generate htmlGenerator) |> div [class “katexl”]

var opt = {
delimiters: [
left: “begin−inline”,
right: “end−inline”,
display: false
left: “begin−display”,
right: “end−display”,
display: true

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
renderMathInElement(document.body, opt);

var ilns = document.getElementsByClassName('inline');   
document.addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", function() {
 for(var i = 0 ; i < ilns.length ; ++i){  
  if (ilns[i].childElementCount>1) {
    ilns[i].removeChild(ilns[i].lastChild) ;

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