Analyzing extra files in elm-review

Hi all, it’s been a while since the last time, but there’s a new release for elm-review!

This one allows rule authors access arbitrary non-Elm files, which enables a lot of new rule possibilities. I hope you enjoy it!


Very cool!
The css feature reminds me of the following rules/postcss plugin I wrote recently, but it’s TailwindCSS only. I think that case specifically does not really get improved by the new features, since it needs to analyze files generated by tailwindcss so there is a code generation step involved regardless.

I wonder if I can validate matching port implementations or matching webcomponent properties/attributes using elm-review now. Probably yes if both sides follow certain conventions.

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This sounds like a fantastic project idea! @brian I feel like you might be interested in something like this.

@andreasmolitor Those are some really nice rules :heart:

I think that if Tailwind’s configuration was easier to analyze, you could probably skip the generation, but I think that’s a bit out of reach (and possibly hard to maintain with changes from the Tailwind authors), looking at the generated CSS could be a reasonable middle-ground.

I wonder if I can validate matching port implementations or matching webcomponent properties/attributes using elm-review now. Probably yes if both sides follow certain conventions.

I think it’s worth trying!

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