I’m very please to announce my Apache Avro library for Elm.
I wrote this library originally because I was using the Haskell Avro library and wanted to explore different design directions as I was hitting limitations due to its type class heavy approach and lack of consistency between schemas, encoder, and, decorders.
It has worked out so well that I’ve ported this library back to Haskell for my own projects.
My longer term goals are to use this in a product for permitting elm to be used as the language for Kafka streaming applications – but that’s another story.
This library covers the core binary protocol of Avro and its types, as well as schema resolution and canonicalisation; and leaves container formats, RPC, and things like the Kafka Schema registry to downstream libraries.
While writing it I’ve written more than 100 tests, and found a bunch of bugs in other implementations, and found legitimate bugs in the specification itself.
The Elm Avro API is designed to be very tidy but powerful, eschewing code generation for a simple builder pattern (technically it’s an applicative profunctor) for constructing records and building encoders and decoders.
Here’s an example for a decoder for an Elm record type:
import Avro
import Avro.Codec exposing (..)
import Avro.Schema exposing (Schema, SchemaMismatch)
import Bytes.Decode exposing (Decoder)
import Bytes.Encode exposing (Encoder)
{-| Declaration of the data type we want to encode and decode.
type alias Person =
{ name : String, age : Maybe Int }
{-| Build the Codec for it.
This type includes a Schema, encoder, and decoder.
personCodec : Codec Person
personCodec =
success Person
|> requiring "name" string .name
|> optional "age" int .age
|> record { baseName = "person", nameSpace = ["demo"] }
{-| A byte encoder for a person.
encodePerson : Person -> Encoder
encodePerson =
Avro.makeEncoder personCodec
{-| Build a decoder for data written using a schema.
decodePerson : Schema -> Result SchemaMismatch (Decoder Person)
decodePerson writerSchema =
Avro.makeDecoder personCodec writerSchema