Dealing with hotkey complexity

I am currently adding some pretty generic hotkeys to a visual editing app. You can select elements on a an artboard, move them around and edit their properties. Not too far into my journey I encountered the following problems:

  • The Delete hotkey - I mapped the Delete hotkey onto the backspace and delete keys. When I now have an element selected and change some text property and hit backspace, the element gets removed rather than just changing the text property. I can think of a few solutions for this problem:
    • The input event fires before keyup. Remember that an input event happens and consider that when using delete. Pro: only done once. Con: Hacky and Procedural.
    • stop propagation on input event. Pro: clean, Con: Has to be done for every single element.
    • remember that a text input is focused and do not listen to key press events then.
  • The undo / redo keys: The app also has history buttons. The state of the currently edited project is persisted on a server. I find it tricky to figure out when to identity undo keys, apply the undo operation and persist the data afterwards - without having an undo operation push to the redo queue BUT persisting the state of the project.

Do you have any experience with these complexities? How did you handle this.


I decoded and checked if it was an input to solve a similar problem.

Either fail the decoder if target is an input if you don’t want to receive the events:

decoder : Decoder String
decoder =
    Decode.field "key" Decode.string
        |> Decode.andThen
            (\keyname ->
       ["target", "nodeName"] Decode.string
                    |> Decode.andThen
                        (\targetName ->
                            if targetName == "INPUT" || targetName == "TEXTAREA" then
                                Decode.succeed keyname

Or just decode the target data and implement all conditions in your update instead

type alias KeyEvent =
    { key : String
    , target : String

decoder : Decoder KeyEvent
decoder =
    Decode.field "key" Decode.string
        |> Decode.andThen
            (\keyname ->
       ["target", "nodeName"] Decode.string
                    |> Decode.andThen
                        (\targetName ->
                                { key = keyname
                                , target = targetName
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Interesting. I’ll try making it work with Browser.Events.

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