Just a thought… which may also be a little bit relevant to the Building and Extending Trust post
So, I was having a shower this morning, and letting my mind wander, as I do, and thought: some kind of ‘off-topic’ section might be nice.
I’ve built some good stuff with Elm over the years, both for my own business when I had it, (a pretty good CMS for my staff to use) and for friends/acquaintances - but I’ve always known I did it ‘standing on the shoulders of giants’. I could never had done it in pure JS, and probably would have struggled trying to do it in React etc (maybe I’m doing myself a dis-service, but one thing I know for sure is that it wouldn’t have been anywhere near as enjoyable as doing it in Elm). The existence of Elm (thank you @evancz ) and the packages created by community members (too many to mention) made my life ‘better’ for want of a better word…
Over the years I figured out who the ‘movers and shakers’/giants are in this community, and I trust their advice whenever it comes my way, and always enjoy reading random/interesting posts, some of which goes over my head, some of which I learn from.
Howerver, I know nothing about these people other than they are far more experienced and knowledgeable than I. Every now and then someone might post something like “I’ll be getting to it when I can, but I now also have a newborn…” which is always nice to read.
It doesn’t have to be personal stuff that gets posted, it could be absolutely anything…
I was simply thinking that as a community, it might be strengthened if we knew more about each other within the community, and maybe built relationships outside of Elm, and this can only happen with dialogue.
For instance, when I’m not taking care of my mum (she has Alzheimers and I’m full time carer now), I have two past times that help me de-stress - writing code and playing pool. I love playing pool - I play league twice a week and around one comp a month. Luckily both these past times cost very little money.
For all I know there could be other members who also enjoy the game of Pool, for me it’s English Eight Ball, for you it might be 9-Ball, Straight Pool or Chinese 8-Ball
Maybe I get chatting with another member about Pool, and we get to know each other a little, then something related to Elm comes up for one of us, and we end up working on it together
Maybe we find out we don’t actually live that far from each other, and then decide to go and meet and both play at a pool comp that’s close by to both of us
I don’t know, I’m just rambling on now, I just think that conversations outside of Elm between other Elm devs can strengthen the community. Of course, I guess some topics might divide people, but as someone else mentioned - “we’re all adults” so hopefully divisive topics wouldn’t come up or would be ‘handled with care’.
I’ll stop rambling now, if you’ve read this far, thanks, and I hope I didn’t bore you.