I’m new to Elm, developing an app similar to this example. It’s supposed to display a random GIF fullpage, i.e.filling the viewport completely. What is the most common way to do this, using rtfeldman/elm-css?
That’s more a question about CSS than Elm, but something like this should do it:
[ backgroundImage yourImage
, backgroundSize cover
, backgroundPosition center
MDN is a good resource for CSS:
Nevertheless, I need to resize my div
accordingly, right?
No, this is certainly just a css property.
If I take the JSON example file you discuss above, I’d to something like this:
.fullscreen {
position: absolute;
z-index: -5;
width: 100vw;
height: 100vh;
margin: 0px;
top: 0;
left: 0;
Success url ->
div []
[ button [ onClick MorePlease, style "display" "block" ] [ text "More Please!" ]
, img [ class "fullscreen", src url ] []
Edit: Your final question can be interperted two ways, so if you mean How do I do this in elm-css
?, then do the same, but typesafe:
import Html.Styled exposing (..)
import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css, href, src)
Success url ->
div []
[ button [ onClick MorePlease, style "display" "block" ] [ text "More Please!" ]
, img [ css [ position absolute
, zIndex (int -5)
, width (vw 100)
, height (vh 100)
, margin (px 0)
, top (px 0)
, left (px 0)
], src url ] []
So you would define an external stylesheet?
(I’m familiar with your approach, but somehow wanted to solve it in one Elm-file without having an extram HTML or CSS file. )
You can certainly do it inline (I’ve updated my post to suggest how). I’m personally not a fan of inline styles, that’s all.
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