Elm Bits going on pause

So it seems like Elm Bits is going on pause:

I started Elm Bits to make it a habit for myself to learn more about Elm and functional programming. In the absence of a good project that was the most straightforward way to keep up with the language and news. And it worked well for me for almost a year until life came in…

In August last year my second child was born. In the beginning thins were pretty straightforward. As the kid grew, my personal and sleep time went the opposite way and started shrinking fast. When you have one child, you can pass it to your partner and take a break. With two, you just swap and… Oops.

I am also a solopreneur at shipit which requires more and more attention as it grows (albeit at a snail pace which adds another host of problems too). And you know, pandemic outside doesn’t help either.

What initially started as a fun exploration sadly became a burden that doesn’t bring fun anymore. I have to force myself to write something in the evenings, or late at night, and as a result the quality goes south pretty quickly.

I decided to take a longer break and direct my attention to family and work for now. No idea when I will return to this. If you have any ideas, suggestions, or advice, feel free to contact me.

Thanks for staying with me.


I hope it’s okay to just copy and paste this, but I felt, like saying thanks for all your work on this newsletter and that I fully understand and support that your moving on. (for now)



I can certainly relate to the time conflicts, especially with kids. But for those who would still like to get a weekly email about Elm, I’m still doing Elm Weekly (in fact, it’s restarting tomorrow after a holiday break in January).


Good for you and thanks so much for awesome contributions!


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