Nim compiles to JavaScript and I’m using it with Elm. I might publish this on nimble
Module* {.importjs.} = ref object of JsRoot
Program* {.importjs.} = ref object of JsRoot
SubPort*[T: JsRoot] {.importjs.} = ref object of JsRoot
# Initialize a Program (doesn't work with flags or Browser.element)
proc runModule*(
name: cstring,
): Program {.importjs: "Elm[#].init()".}
# Subscribe to a Cmd port (from Elm)
proc subscribe*[T: JsRoot, Output](
program: Program,
name: cstring,
onTrigger: proc(payload: T): Output,
) {.importjs: "#.ports[#].subscribe(#)".}
# Get a reference to a Sub port (to Elm)
proc getSubPort*[T: JsRoot](
program: Program,
name: cstring,
): CmdPort[T] {.importjs: "#.ports[#]".}
# Send a value through a Sub port
proc send*[T: JsRoot](
subPort: SubPort[T],
payload: T,
) {.importjs: "#.send(#)".}
My project (dullbananas/editsc) has a lot of code outside of elm (elm is not good enough with performance), so writing javascript directly would be a pain in the stdout.
Typescript has a slow compiler and is not very flexible. Rust (with webassembly) is good but there’s some limitations with javascript ffi.
Nim is a good programming language with sexy expressive ffi, optimizations like compile-time evaluation, macros, uniform function call syntax, etc.
It’d be great if you could provide a little full stack demo.
Nim got on my radar recently. From what I gathered there’s a difference between procs and funcs where one of the two disallows mutations which I thought was a very interesting language feature.
One could then imagine enforcing mutation being isolated to one area of the code base rather than spreading it.
Via a simple pre git commit hook and shell script.
If you work on better Rust-elm interop I’m also interested in what you’ll do. For the time being I’ve just been piling up ports and hand wiring the different parts between rust and elm.