ELM recursive iteration constructor

I have a function computeNextValue such as for a given number x, it computes the number y, by additioning all digits of number x to itself
ex : Given x = 45: y = 54 = 4 + 5 + 45

computeNextValue : Int → Int
computeNextValue x =
List.sum (numberToList x) + x

and i want to mplement the function computeNextValueWithIteration with the following signature :

computeNextValueWithIteration : Int → Int → Int

The first parameter will be an “iteration” value, the second parameter will be the “number” value such that I compute “iteration” number of times to get the result y.

ex : Given x = 123 and iteration = 3, you would compute why like this :

  • Iteration 1 : 129 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 123
  • Iteration 2 : 141 = 1 + 2 + 9 + 129
  • Iteration 3 : 147 = 1 + 4 + 1 + 141

y = 147

my code
-- The name of the module must always be the same name as the file !
module Main exposing (main)

  All imports we need, nothing more to add for this quest
  Checkout https://elm-lang.org/docs and https://package.elm-lang.org/ when needed
import Browser
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onSubmit, onInput)
import String exposing (fromInt)
import Basics
import Array exposing (Array)

type alias Model =
  { input : Maybe Int
  , output : Maybe Int

-- We initialize the default value of our model
init : Model
init =
  { input = Nothing
  , output = Nothing

-- We render a view given the model
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
  div []
  [  input [ type_ "number", placeholder "Enter a number", value (maybeIntToString model.input), onInput SetValue ] []
  ,  br [] []
  ,  button [ onClick SubmitForm, id "compute" ] [text "Calculate"]
  ,  div [] [ text "output : ", span [id "output"] [ text <| maybeIntToString model.output]]

-- Helper function
maybeIntToString : Maybe Int -> String
maybeIntToString model =
  case model of
    Nothing -> ""
    Just v -> fromInt v

type Msg
  = NoOp
  | SubmitForm
  | SetValue String

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
  -- With Debug.log we log into the browser console, see https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm-lang/core/3.0.0/Debug
  case Debug.log "msg" msg of
    NoOp ->
    SetValue v ->
      { model | input = String.toInt v }
    SubmitForm ->
      { model | output = Maybe.map computeNextValue model.input }

-- To implement
computeNextValue : Int -> Int
computeNextValue x =
   List.sum (numberToList x) + x

numberToList : Int -> List Int
numberToList number =
    String.fromInt number -- convert our Int to a String
        |> String.split ""
        |> List.filterMap String.toInt

computeNextValueWithIteration : Int -> Int -> Int
computeNextValueWithIteration n x =
    List.foldl (\_ sum -> computeNextValue sum) x (List.repeat n 0)

main : Program () (Model) Msg
main =
  Browser.sandbox({ init = init, view = view, update = update})

i want to con sider this steps

  • Add an iteration field of type Int to the model
  • Initialize it to the value 0 where required
  • Add the data constructor SetIteration String to the Msg type
  • Add the following code to the update function
SetIteration v ->
{ model | iteration = Maybe.withDefault 0 <| String.toInt v}
  • Modify the update function on the SubmitForm case to use the function computeNextValueWithIteration `instead of the` computeNextValue implemented on quest 1
  • Modify the view function to add an input (html) element of type number with the id iteration . Do not forget to set the onInput event correctly. Use the imported function fromInt to convert the integer to string

Something like this: iterations ?

module Main exposing (main)

import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Html.Attributes as Attr
import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onSubmit)

type alias Model =
    { iterations : Int
    , input : Int
    , output : Int

initialModel : Model
initialModel =
    { iterations = 0
    , input = 0
    , output = 0

type Msg
    = Iterations String
    | Input String
    | Compute

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
    case msg of
        Iterations iterations ->
            { model | iterations = Maybe.withDefault 0 <| String.toInt iterations }

        Input input ->
            { model | input = Maybe.withDefault 0 <| String.toInt input }

        Compute ->
            { model | output = computeNextValueWithIteration model.iterations model.input}

computeNextValueWithIteration : Int -> Int -> Int
computeNextValueWithIteration iterations input =
    case iterations of
        0 -> input
        _ -> computeNextValueWithIteration (iterations - 1) (computeNextValue input)

computeNextValue : Int -> Int
computeNextValue input =
    String.fromInt input
        |> String.split ""
        |> List.filterMap String.toInt
        |> List.sum
        |> (+) input

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    Html.form [ onSubmit Compute ]
        [ Html.label
            [ Attr.for "iterations" ]
            [ Html.text "# iterations" ]
        , Html.input
            [ Attr.type_ "number"
            , Attr.id "iterations"
            , Attr.value <| String.fromInt model.iterations
            , onInput Iterations
        , Html.label
            [ Attr.for "number_input" ]
            [ Html.text "input" ]
        , Html.input
            [ Attr.type_ "number"
            , Attr.id "number_input"
            , Attr.value <| String.fromInt model.input
            , onInput Input
        , Html.button [] [ Html.text "compute" ]
        , Html.text <| String.fromInt model.output

main : Program () Model Msg
main =
        { init = initialModel
        , view = view
        , update = update

Thank youu very much

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