Hi everyone, I’m looking for any codebase that reproduces the Map.! bug (or any other compiler bug, for example the index out of bounds bug).
I would like to have more test data for my bachelors thesis topic elm-reduce (link to an early version), which should ultimately reduce elm projects to SSCCEs automatically, given a command-line script that tests for compilation crashes (or any other ‘interesting’ behaviour).
So, if you still have a commit or branch on which you first encountered an elm compiler bug, I’d to get in touch!
I hit it with https://github.com/Libbum/floorplan. It’s triggered by the use of kirchner/elm-selectize, but I haven’t traced any further than that since I’m aware of the fickleness of this bug.
Thank you, however, just to clarify: I’m especially not looking for SSCCEs. Since I want to generate them myself automatically, I need the non-reduced projects.