Getting an element's scrollWidth


I’m new to Elm and I’m a bit stuck. I am trying to figure out whether a particular DOM element’s text fits into the element or whether it needs to be scrolled. In JavaScript I can compare the element’s clientWidth and the scrollWidth to do that - the clientWidth tells me how wide the element is, the scrollWidth tells me how wide it should be to show all its contents.

In Elm I seem to have 3 values:

  • scene.width
  • element.width
  • viewport.width

Unfortunately neither of these seem to give me the scrollWidth value from JavaScript.

Is there a way to get this value from within Elm?

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This little program might help illustrate what I’m trying to do:

module Main exposing (…)

import Browser
import Browser.Dom exposing (Element, Error)
import Html exposing (br, button, div, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (id, style)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Task


main : Program () MyApp Msg
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, view = view
, subscriptions = subscriptions


type alias MyApp =
{ names : String, width1 : Float, width2 : Float, width3 : Float }

init : () → ( MyApp, Cmd Msg )
init _ =
( { names = “short text”, width1 = 0, width2 = 0, width3 = 0 }
, Browser.Dom.getElement “stop” |> Task.attempt GotElement


type Msg
= SetText String
| GotElement (Result Error Element)

update msg model =
case msg of
SetText n →
( { model | names = n }
, Browser.Dom.getElement “stop” |> Task.attempt GotElement

    GotElement (Err err) ->
        ( model, Cmd.none )

    GotElement (Ok element) ->
        ( { model
            | width1 = element.scene.width
            , width2 = element.element.width
            , width3 = element.viewport.width
        , Cmd.none


view s =
[ id “stop”
, style “width” “100px”
, style “overflow” “hidden”
, style
[ text s.names
, br
, text (String.fromFloat s.width1)
, br
, text (String.fromFloat s.width2)
, br
, text (String.fromFloat s.width3)
, br
, button [ onClick (SetText “Some much longer text”) ] [ text “update” ]


subscriptions _ =

None of the values that are shown match the scrollWidth as reported when inspecting the “stop” element in JavaScript.

Your outer container (div) has a fixed width.
Put the text in a div of its own without a fixed width. This inner div will/should collapse to the width of the text.
Give each div an id.
Using Browser.Dom.getElement id you can measure the width of each div.

If the Html package doesn’t play nicely using this approach, try elm-ui.

If you give the inner div a thin border, you can see if it is collapsing to the text as expected.

Hope this helps.

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Oh nice, that does seem to work indeed, even using the Html package.

Thank you very much!

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