How can the Elm community improve?

The lack of diversity of the community is my biggest concern by far. The Elm community here and on Slack seems to be super overwhelmingly white guys. There may be any number of reasons for that, and I super appreciate that conferences in particular seem to be trying to improve it. But it’s still significant.

I would love to see more events like ElmBridge in more places. I may be wrong, but it seems like the only people I’ve seen organizing ElmBridge events so far have been women. You don’t have to be from an underrepresented group to organize events like this. I’d also like to see more reaching out to other communities specific to women, people of color, queer people, etc, when we advertise events, when we look for conference speakers, etc.

Community diversity problems are like technical debt — they only get more entrenched and harder to solve if you wait to fix them. I hope to see us focus a lot more strongly on this in the future.