As a community, we have a habit of throwing other languages under the bus. This is especially true of JavaScript. I’ve seen so many similes recently: garbage fires, fetid trash, something you need therapy for.
To put it directly, this needs to stop. A massive amount of work goes into every programming language, no matter the outcome. It makes me sad that we’re so willing to throw the efforts of so many people in the bin, especially when Elm is able to use all that hard work to such nice effect!
Think also of the impression it leaves on people new to our community. For new folks, that can be a huge turn-off. It makes us appear to be toxic, hateful people. I know this is not true; there are so many lovely, kind people in this community. And this hurts even more since learners tend to think their failure to understand something means they’re bad, instead of realizing that the subject matter is genuinely tricky.
Pure-functional strongly-typed languages have a bad reputation of being elitist. That can stop with us. I’ve had such a wonderful experience with you all, and I want other people to have that as well.
Edit, April 10: based on some conversations I have had since writing this, it seems like I wasn’t clear enough that this post is more my opinion as a community member than in my capacity as a moderator. This is not an official rule or anything, but rather something that I’d like us to keep in mind as we grow and continue to welcome new folks.