For those of you who develop Lamdera, one of the harder things is to get test data on the local instance.
I’ve recently started implementing a way of outputting the backend model via Lamdera’s undocumented w3_encode_{type} and w3_decode_{type} functions.
This has been an enormous productivity boost for getting our product ready for use, since I can now pull in data we generated on the deployed environments, straight into my local instance. This saves a lot of time setting getting state ready for usage testing.
Basically the solution just uses w3_encode_BackendModel to encode the model from one Lamdera instance and w3_decode_BackendModel to decode that model from Bytes and read it into another instance.
Module to import the Backend Model:
fetchImportedModel : String -> String -> Task Http.Error BackendModel
fetchImportedModel url modelKey =
{ method = "POST"
, headers =
[ Http.header "Content-Type" "application/octet-stream"
, Http.header "X-Lamdera-Model-Key" modelKey
, url = url
, body = Http.emptyBody
, resolver =
Http.bytesResolver <|
\response ->
case response of
Http.GoodStatus_ _ body ->
case bytesDecode Types.w3_decode_BackendModel body of
Just model ->
Ok model
Nothing ->
Err (Http.BadBody "Bytes decode failed")
Http.BadStatus_ meta _ ->
Err (Http.BadStatus meta.statusCode)
Http.NetworkError_ ->
Err Http.NetworkError
Http.Timeout_ ->
Err Http.Timeout
Http.BadUrl_ url_ ->
Err (Http.BadUrl url_)
, timeout = Nothing
Function to export the Backend model
getModel : HttpRequest -> SessionId -> BackendModel -> Dict.Dict String String -> intput -> ( Result Http.Error BackendModel, BackendModel, Cmd msg )
getModel _ _ model headers _ =
case headers |> Dict.get "X-Lamdera-Model-Key" of
Just modelKey ->
if Env.modelKey == modelKey then
( model |> Ok, model, Cmd.none )
( Http.BadStatus 401 |> Err, model, Cmd.none )
Nothing ->
( Http.BadStatus 401 |> Err, model, Cmd.none )
Here’s the link to the commit to the kitchen-sink Lamdera example project. The commit is a little busy as I had to also upgrade the LamderaRPC.elm to a newer version.
Future work:
We can now actually include the Types files in the Lamdera public folder for consumption by other projects so that they can have a type safe way of interacting with our Elm endpoints.