Hello, I’m having quite some problems understanding and using elm-form (https://github.com/etaque/elm-form).
The problem is that I’m not really sure how to handle the state of the fields and how elm-form functions to generate form elements work.
Here are my models:
type alias Model =
{ form : Form CustomError User
, userMaybe : Maybe User }
type alias User =
{ type_: UserType}
type UserType
= Designer
| Supplier
So far so good, what I really want are 2 radio buttons, one for Designer and one for Supplier.
From what I could understand from documentation, I must write validation functions also to handle the String -> UserType conversion.
validate : Validation CustomError User
validate =
map2 User
(field "user[type]" validateUserType)
validateUserType : Validation CustomError UserType
validateUserType =
(\s ->
case s of
"designer" ->
Ok Designer
"supplier" ->
Ok Supplier
_ ->
Err (customError InvalidUserType)
My understanding here is that these functions validate a string into a UserType, which is very smart and useful.
My doubts start more or less here: first of all the initial value of the form
initialFields : List ( String, Field )
initialFields =
[ ("user[type]", Field.string "designer") ]
It’s a rails app, that notation will be parsed as {user: {type: “designer”}} which is what I need. My understanding here is that I must use what would become the name attribute in HTML.
And now I become superconfused:
update : Message -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Message)
update message ({ form } as model) =
case message of
FormMsg formMsg ->
case ( formMsg, Form.getOutput form ) of
_ ->
( { model | form = Form.update validate formMsg form }, Cmd.none )
I removed some code but the case is correct, the Form.update is the relevant part.
view : Model -> Html Message
view {form, userMaybe} =
div []
[ Html.map FormMsg (formView form)
, case userMaybe of
Just user ->
p [ class "alert alert-success" ] [ text (toString user) ]
Nothing ->
text ""
formView : Form CustomError User -> Html Form.Msg
formView form =
div [class "form-group"] [
div [class "custom-control custom-radio"] [
Input.radioInput "designer" (Form.getFieldAsString "user[type]" form) [class "custom-control-input", name "user[type]"],
label [class "custom-control-label"] [text "I need something manufactured"]
div [class "custom-control custom-radio"] [
Input.radioInput "supplier" (Form.getFieldAsString "user[type]" form) [class "custom-control-input", name "user[type]"],
label [class "custom-control-label"] [text "I can supply services"]
Here I lost it. I guess that Form.getFieldAsString gets some state from the form. If I Debug.log it I have:
this: { path = "user[type]", value = Just "designer", error = Nothing, liveError = Nothing, isDirty = False, isChanged = False, hasFocus = False }
which is apparently ok.
But I can’t switch between the radio buttons, the first one (the one I set in the initial state) is always checked and I don’t understand why. Did I forget an attribute or something? It’s just weird that the result is not some error but it just plainly doesn’t work. And I’m pretty lost, I’m a newbie and I’m not entirely sure which steps to take to debug this, and if all the things I think I understand are correct.
Can someone shed a light? Sorry for the very long post, a bit frustrated.
Cheers, ngw