New Confidenceman02/elm-select features!

Let’s jump straight to dessert and talk about some new tasty features in the elm-select package!

Github Page

We now have a proper Github page with interactive examples for people wanting to play with the different elm-select variants and their modifiers.

This is going to be a growing page with more sophisticated examples to come but if you want a quick play you can find them at

A huge thanks needs to go to Georges Boris for the very excellent elm-book package which makes presenting the examples attractive and easy.

Multi select native variant

A long time coming but we finally have a native multi select!

The multi select html node does things a little differently than the single select version so it took some time to get the functionality right. As a result we now have a new Action called SelectBatch which the multi variant uses to determine what has been selected.


You can now group menu items to provide more visual organisation. Very handy if you have menu items that fall into distinct categories.


That’s it for now!



I’ve just played with the examples, and one issue I found was if the select is searchable you can’t edit the entry. So if there are multiple entries with similar spellings, you can’t move the cursor/carat to change the spelling, you can only clear the whole text box and re-type it all again.

For example, say I have the following options:

League 1, League 2, League 3, League 4

As a user, if I select League 1, and then want to look at content for League 4, I would expect to be able to tab into the select (where the cursor would then be at the end of entered text), and then delete the 1 and replace it with 4.

Otherwise appears to be all good :+1:

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Thanks for having a play with the examples, and yep I absolutely see what you mean.

The selected options for a single select behave as a confirmed solid choice and is not editable as such, although I can totally see that it might seem like they are/should be.

Will create a Github issue with your feedback and play with this idea, nice one!

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