Some time ago, I asked if there was an online REPL for Elm, as this would be very useful for teaching functional programming with Elm. One of my students has now implemented this, and I have put the server online:
It is even more than just a REPL, as it mimics a “Mini-IDE”. Of course, it is not meant to be a complete online IDE, but it is very practical for teaching. In the upper window, you can enter Elm code, which you can then execute in the REPL below. It is also very practical that you can save the Elm code as a file or as a link, for example:
The REPL-Code in the URL has to be appended by hand, if you want that. But the (compressed) Elm-Code can be generated by button-click (lower-right corner)
If you are interested in the sources: GitHub - tomkarp/elmrepl
Perhaps it is useful to other people too. To me, that is very handy, because students are not allowed to open the terminal window at school. With and I don’t need a local installation for teaching and students can even work with an iPad if they want/have to.
Feel free to give feedback what could/should be improved…