Hi. I have a bunch of preexisting JSON files. This JSON contains business information that I need to render. For starters I’d like to render services.json and display it in the ‘content’ function in this template here
Here is what I can say about services.json.
There are 7 Services in total each with title, description, bigImgSrc, smallImgSrc, priceFullSet, timeFullSet and pros
services.json (Shortened)
"title": "Classic",
"description": "Classic lashing is a technique in which a single extension is applied to one isolated natural lash. Classic lashes are perfect for adding length to your natural lash. Classic lashes will give the appearance of wearing mascara.",
"bigImgSrc": "",
"smallImgSrc": "/assets/images/lashes/classic/1.jpeg",
"priceFullSet": "$110",
"timeFullSet": "1 hour, 45 mins",
"pros": [ "Can add length to natural lashes", "Gives the appearance of wearing mascara", "Can be a good option for people with thinner, shorter natural lashes"]
"title": 'ect...',
I’ve tried a lot of different ways of doing this, here is recent iteration/attempt. I’ve tried to make the problem as simple as possible for now. I’m skipping actually querying an API or loading the services.json file from disk and just hard coding in the JSON into a String.
module Main exposing (main)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Html exposing (Html)
import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
type alias Services =
List Service
type alias Service =
{ title : String
, description : String
, bigImgSrc : String
, smallImgSrc : String
, priceFullSet : String
, timeFullSet : String
, pros : Pros
type alias Pros =
List String
serviceDecoder : Decoder Service
serviceDecoder =
Decode.map7 Service
(Decode.field "title" Decode.string )
(Decode.field "description" Decode.string )
(Decode.field "bigImgSrc" Decode.string)
(Decode.field "smallImgSrc" Decode.string)
(Decode.field "priceFullSet" Decode.string)
(Decode.field "timeFullSet" Decode.string)
(Decode.field "pros" Decode.string)
servicesDecoder : Decoder Services
servicesDecoder =
Decode.list serviceDecoder
main : Html msg
main =
case Decode.decodeString servicesDecoder json of
Ok service ->
Html.div []
[ Html.text <| "Thing 1"
, Html.br [] []
, Html.text <| "ThingTwo"
Err error ->
Html.text ("Error: " ++ Decode.errorToString error)
json : String
json =
"title": "Classic",
"description": "Classic lashing is a technique in which a single extension is applied to one isolated natural lash. Classic lashes are perfect for adding length to your natural lash. Classic lashes will give the appearance of wearing mascara.",
"bigImgSrc": "",
"smallImgSrc": "/assets/images/lashes/classic/1.jpeg",
"priceFullSet": "$110",
"timeFullSet": "1 hour, 45 mins",
"pros": [ "Can add length to natural lashes", "Gives the appearance of wearing mascara", "Can be a good option for people with thinner, shorter natural lashes"]
"title": "ect...",
As you can probably see, it’s far from complete and any help would be appreciated. New to Elm and i’ve spent all night on this (very tired).
I also need to render it kind of like this but with formatting for each service instead of just a dump of text. https://i.gyazo.com/b87f7c1f2730691854b48843f5d17e99.mp4 - Link to a hosted .mp4 demonstration
The code for the video is here.
module HeaderAndFooterLayout exposing (..)
import Element exposing (..)
import Element.Background as Background
import Element.Border as Border
import Element.Font as Font
import Html exposing (Html)
main : Html msg
main =
layout [ width fill, height fill ] <|
column [ width fill ]
[ header
, content
, footer
header : Element msg
header =
row [ width fill, padding 20, spacing 20 ]
[ logo
, el [ alignRight ] <| text "Services"
, el [ alignRight ] <| text "About"
, el [ alignRight ] <| text "Contact"
content : Element msg
content =
List.range 0 7
|> List.map
(\i ->
el [ centerX, Font.size 10, Font.color <| rgb255 (i * 20) (i * 20) (i * 20) ] <|
text json
|> column [ width fill, padding 50 ]
footer : Element msg
footer =
[ width fill
, padding 10
, Background.color color.lightBlue
, Border.widthEach { top = 1, bottom = 0, left = 0, right = 0 }
, Border.color color.blue
[ logo
, column [ alignRight, spacing 10 ]
[ el [ alignRight ] <| text "Services"
, el [ alignRight ] <| text "About"
, el [ alignRight ] <| text "Contact"
logo : Element msg
logo =
[ width <| px 80
, height <| px 40
, Border.width 2
, Border.rounded 6
, Border.color color.blue
color =
{ blue = rgb255 0x72 0x9F 0xCF
, darkCharcoal = rgb255 0x2E 0x34 0x36
, lightBlue = rgb255 0xC5 0xE8 0xF7
, lightGrey = rgb255 0xE0 0xE0 0xE0
, white = rgb255 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF
json : String
json =
"title": "Classic",
"description": "Classic lashing is a technique in which a single extension is applied to one isolated natural lash. Classic lashes are perfect for adding length to your natural lash. Classic lashes will give the appearance of wearing mascara.",
"bigImgSrc": "",
"smallImgSrc": "/assets/images/lashes/classic/1.jpeg",
"priceFullSet": "$110",
"timeFullSet": "1 hour, 45 mins",
"pros": [ "Can add length to natural lashes", "Gives the appearance of wearing mascara", "Can be a good option for people with thinner, shorter natural lashes"]
"title": "ect...",