Remove html-elements without content

Hi all,

Regularly my view functions have a structure like this:

  [ class "wrapper" ]
  [ div 
      [ class "first" ]
      ( viewListItems list )
  , div 
      [ class "second" ] 
      [ text "Some stuff" ]

This will render an div.first without child nodes, when list is an empty list.

I would like to avoid these ‘empty’ divs. I could do this like this:

  firstDiv = 
    case list of
      [] -> []
      _ -> 
        [ div 
            [ class "first" ]
            ( viewListItems list ) 
    [ class "content" ]
    ( List.concat 
        [ firstDiv
        , [ div 
              [ class "second" ] 
              [ text "Some stuff" ]

However, this method decreases the readability of the function by replacing the logic and the viewListItems function to the let block.

Do you know a nicer way to do this? E.g. could I write a function to filter away html-elements without child nodes?

Once a Html value is created, there is no way to introspect it, and therefore no way to filter. Your solution seems reasonable, and you might want to look at Maybe.Extra.values instead of List.concat.

Another alternative is:

  [ class "wrapper" ]
  [ if List.isEmpty list then
      text ""

        [ class "first" ]
        ( viewListItems list )
  , div 
      [ class "second" ] 
      [ text "Some stuff" ]

You could even define a helper:

{-| Used for rendering nothing. -}
none = Html.text ""

Thanks both of you for your reply and suggestions!

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