I’ve been playing around with elm/parser’s Parser.Advanced
and trying to figure out how to build up some good error messages.
Here’s a parser that parses either an integer or a comma:
import Parser.Advanced as Parser
type Context
= ParserContext
type Problem
= ExpectingInt
| ExpectingComma
type Value
= VInt Int
| VComma
intOrComma : Parser.Parser Context Problem Value
intOrComma =
[ Parser.int ExpectingInt ExpectingInt
|> Parser.map VInt
, Parser.token (Parser.Token "," ExpectingComma)
|> Parser.map (always VComma)
When intOrComma
fails, it will return 2 dead-ends—one for each potential branch. E.g. here’s the output of an empty string:
[ { col = 1
, contextStack = []
, problem = ExpectingInt
, row = 1
, { col = 1
, contextStack = []
, problem = ExpectingComma
, row = 1
But I really want to provide a single error in this case saying that I expected to see either an int or a comma. Is there a built-in way to do this? Or do I need to look for errors that occur at the same location and combine them myself?
Ellie example here: https://ellie-app.com/7S8s5ZLds3Ka1