Should we try to get an elm-exploration going for video conferencing

Now that many of us are stuck in lockdown and relying on the browser for video conferencing as our main social connection to the world, maybe it makes sense to put some energy into API designs for a handful of not-yet-designed APIs for elm explorations that would make it possible to create these kinds of apps elegantly in elm, or add video conferencing to an existing app?

The necessary APIs are probably these:

  • The DOM media APIs (play/pause on a video element, etc)
  • MediaDevice API (for grabbing a webcam stream, etc.)
  • WebRTC API (P2P communications)

(Yes elm developers would still probably have to rely on ports at a minimum for signaling via websockets)


I know there have been links in other Slack and Discourse threads. Would this be a good place to organize those, or is there a better place (maybe GitHub :woman_shrugging:) to collect the prior work and/or to have the discussions around where things are at and what still needs to be addressed?

I’ve never remotely collaborated with people outside my work or close friends so I’m not sure where to start :sweat_smile:

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