Simplify code with elm-review

I released a new version of elm-review-unused, and also an entirely new elm-review package named elm-review-simplify. I hope you find them useful :blush:


I released v1.0.2, which will now do these additional kinds of simplifications:

### Maybe identity x
    --> x f Nothing
    --> Nothing

    Maybe.withDefault x Nothing
    --> x

    Maybe.withDefault x (Just y)
    --> y

### Lists

    List.partition fn []
    --> ( [], [] )

    List.partition (always True) list
    --> ( list, [] )

### Set

    Set.isEmpty Set.empty
    --> True

    Set.member x Set.empty
    --> False

    Set.fromList []
    --> Set.empty

    Set.toList Set.empty
    --> []

    Set.length Set.empty
    --> 0

    Set.intersect Set.empty set
    --> Set.empty

    Set.diff Set.empty set
    --> Set.empty

    Set.diff set Set.empty
    --> set

    Set.union set Set.empty
    --> set

    Set.insert x Set.empty
    --> Set.singleton x

    Set.partition fn Set.empty
    --> ( Set.empty, Set.empty )

    Set.partition (always True) set
    --> ( list, Set.empty )

### Dict

    Dict.isEmpty Dict.empty
    --> True

    Dict.fromList []
    --> Dict.empty

    Dict.toList Dict.empty
    --> []

    Dict.size Dict.empty
    --> 0

And a lot more will be coming in the future as this rule is still far from done.

I really like that it will now do this kind of change for Maybes:

Screenshot from 2021-04-28 09-47-10

(see here for a step-by-step breakdown of the change:

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I wonder if there is a possible mechanism that packages could contribute simplifications based on their own domain knowledge?

For instance in elm-visualization, the following simplification would work:

Axis.left [ Axis.ticks [ 3, 4, 5], Axis.tickCount 10 ] xScale


Axis.left [ Axis.ticks [ 3, 4, 5] ] xScale

however, including that in the package wouldnā€™t make much sense as many projects donā€™t really need it.

That looks like a bad api. It should be impossible to pass those two values. Making impossible states impossible, yada yada.

This is just an example.

There is nothing impossible about this. Itā€™s merely redundant. Just as calling identity [1,2,3] is.

Yeah. I can think of are several ways:

  1. Create a new elm-review package with a simplification rule (elm-review-visualization, with a Visualization.Simplify rule or something like that). You could take a look at how Simplify does it.
  2. Simplify could take a list of simplification ā€œpluginsā€ as the argument, which could be provided by elm-review packages or through custom in your review/ folder`.

I was leaning towards 2 when I initially started, but there were some drawbacks. First is that it puts more burden on the user to configure elm-review, and second is that it requires nice abstractions so that writing a list of simplifications is easy.

At the moment, I have a few nice abstractions/setups with which it only takes me a few minutes to add a new simplification (documentation and tests included), thatā€™s why there are already more than a hundred kinds of simplifications. But at the same time I know that some things I donā€™t handle at all or that require relatively custom implementations, so Iā€™m not at a point where I can accept a plugin system. So maybe later, if somehow it makes sense.

So in short, for now go for solution 1.

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Iā€™m reading docs for elm-visualization and I see:

Pass a list of ticks to be rendered explicitely.


How many tickmarks to approximately generate.

So if I pass 5 ticks and pass count as 10 I canā€™t get consistent result. And as you could see in the code of Axis.elm, ticks overrides value of result of applying tickCount to Scale.ticks.

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