Subscriptions bug when unmounting elm apps

I have an idea for a workaround for a long-standing issue with unmounting Html-based elm apps, curious to hear feedback on where this could go wrong. The issue is described here: and the fix is here:

AFAIK, this bug is the main thing keeping us from being able to mount multiple Elm apps on the same page. I’m looking into a possible architecture that would rely on this ability. Since it’s not very easy to contribute bug fixes to Elm libraries atm, I thought I’d try to come up with a workaround.

The basic idea is to wrap Html programs with a new program that does 3 things:

  1. Tracks whether or not the app is mounted by wrapping the app’s model with an isMounted property
  2. Renders a web component that dispatches a custom event when it’s detached from the DOM
  3. Makes subscriptions Sub.none when the isMounted property returns False, otherwise returns the app’s subscriptions

UPDATE: I’ve simplified and ellie-ified my example to something one could implement in any app. Appreciate any feedback on this anyone has.

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