First of all, this is made just for fun. The results are mainly as expected and they prove nothing about the real performances.
Test 1 Elm-code at rosettacode
Test code with modified limits
run in browser elm at Ellie site
The primes up to 320 000 are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13,
…, 319931, 319937, 319967, 319973, 319981, 319993.
Found 27608 primes to 320000 in 173 milliseconds.
Test 2 run in browser local compiled elm to JavaScript
The primes up to 320 000 are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13,…,319849, 319883, 319897, 319901, 319919, 319927, 319931, 319937, 319967, 319973, 319981, 319993.
Found 27608 primes to 320000 in 113 milliseconds.
Test 3 run at local file compiled with GHC
The number of primes up to 320000 is 27608
Found 27608 to 320000 in 6 milliseconds.
Test 4 run in browser at Playground
modifed limits
copy from the original code at rosettacode
The number of primes up to 320000 is 27608
Found 27608 to 320000 in 3 milliseconds.
Test 5
run in ghci
The number of primes up to 320000 is 27608
Found 27608 to 320000 in 807 milliseconds.
ghci> :q