I want to sort my list descended but when I use the keyword .sort I get an error:
This is not a record, so it has no fields to access!
106| { model | teams = List.sort.map (\p -> {p | activated = True}) model.teams, activatedOutput = True}
This `sort` value is a:
List comparable -> List comparable
But I need a record with a map field!
This is the line I have modified and with which I want to sort the list.
Submit ->
{ model | teams = List.sort.map (\p -> {p | activated = True}) model.teams, activatedOutput = True}
sort is not a keyword, it is a function that takes a list of comparable items and returns a new list of the sorted comparable items. You can’t combine it like that with the List.map function.
What you can do is to create a pipeline of functions that each use take and return a List, like { model | teams = model.teams |> List.sort |> List.map (\p -> {p | activated = True}) }.
This wont like that directly, because your teams List contains records, which are not comparable. There is List.sortBy to the rescue, see https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm/core/latest/List#sortBy
You would use it in pipeline style like that { model | teams = model.teams |> List.sortBy (\p -> tooSomeComparableValue p) |> List.map (\p -> {p | activated = True}) }.
So if these are my records and I want to sort it for players. I should insert “player” for “tooSomeComparableValue”. But if I do so I get an error
I cannot find a `player` variable:
119| { model | teams = model.teams |> List.sortBy (\p -> player p) |> List.map (\p -> {p | activated = True}) }
These names seem close though:
Hint: Read <https://elm-lang.org/0.19.0/imports> to see how `import`
declarations work in Elm.
type alias Player =
{ player : String
, strength : Int
--, number : Int
--, playernumber : Int
--, placeholder : String
--, counter : Int
, activated : Bool
type alias Model =
{ content : String
, teams : List Player
, currentNumber : Int
, currentPlayernumber: Int
, currentPlayer : String
, currentStrength : Int
, placeholderPlayer : String
, placeholderCounter : Int
, placeholderStrength: Int
, activatedOutput : Bool
init : Model
init =
{ content = ""
, teams = []
, currentNumber = 0
, currentPlayernumber = 0
, currentPlayer = ""
, currentStrength = 0
, placeholderPlayer = ""
, placeholderCounter = 1
, placeholderStrength = 0
, activatedOutput = False