Whitney Music Box - a small musical visualization experience

Hi all! I wanted to share a fun little side project I just published. It’s a recreation of a really cool project I stumbled upon a while ago called the Whitney Music Box - here’s the link to my take in Elm! https://whitney.samgqroberts.com/

If you’re curious, here’s a blog post with a little more context, including the link to the original project and the Github repo for my Elm version. The Whitney Music Box, in Elm · Sam Roberts


really cool!
PS: it does not seem to work on Firefox linux

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Wow you’re right. Eesh!

This is really cool, the whole tone scale works best, it feels like I’m entering a dream sequence!

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As both a musician, teacher and programmer this brings me joy on so many levels! I hope I can use it for a future project or as part of my teaching.

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