Can folks try out monorepos?

I’m not OP, but I believe we’re reading this very differently.

I don’t think it is making any claims, rather I see a direct question there: “If it is good in X and Y situations, could they be good in Y in-between?” I don’t think “it’s setting the stage” for something. The original thread had a series of discussions that went beyond the context of Elm. From what I have read and experienced in the community, it is very common to encourage exploration and experimentation, and they don’t necessarily tie into Elm. I think this is the case here as well: an interesting (either way) discussion came up, and Evan would encourage anyone interested as such to explore further and let everyone else know.

(Original thread: Roadmap for internal packages?)

When I initially saw this thread I thought “I love that we can have explorations and projects spinning off discussions!”. I did not see much reason to share that, but now I think is a good time. Anyway, I’m sure there’s many other ways to read this, but I for one wouldn’t attribute intent beyond curiosity and an exchange of ideas :slight_smile: