Hi everyone,
I mentor high-schoolers doing Elm programming and I recently walked a mentee through the implementation of a Tic-Tac-Toe. This was super fun, and I would love to have some feedback on the code we produced
Before teaching Elm, I developped Python professionally and although I am comfortable with functional programming, some things still felt awkward for this project:
The use of case expression actually induced some repetition and unnecessary code, as you must provide an expression for patterns you would just have omitted in a more imperative language.
For example:
returning an empty display group line 183
several mention of retryView lines 216, 228, 237, when only the other element changed.
If there you think of a technique for this specific issue, I’ll be glad.
I guess it’s a matter of taste but you can refactor case ... of ... usually into Maybe.map together with Maybe.withDefault (similar functions exists for Result and a bunch of other types).
Personally I prefer this style but might want to introduce helper functions (for the Maybe.map action) if you don’t like more nesting.
Here it is for your example 183:
cellView : Maybe Player -> Int -> Cell -> Shape Msg
cellView winner index cell =
cellPositions =
Array.fromList [ ( -100, 100 ), ( 0, 100 ), ( 100, 100 ), ( -100, 0 ), ( 0, 0 ), ( 100, 0 ), ( -100, -100 ), ( 0, -100 ), ( 100, -100 ) ]
|> Array.get index
|> Maybe.map (\position ->
|> Maybe.map (\_ ->
[ squareView position
, circleView position
|> Maybe.withDefault (
case winner of
Nothing ->
squareView position
|> notifyTap (ClickMsg index)
_ ->
squareView position))
|> Maybe.withDefault (group [])
Forward piping (|>) is used very heavily in idiomatic Elm code. Backpiping (<|) not so much, although it does have it’s uses (particularly in elm-test).
As I read recently here on discourse, it is important to be aware of the fact that withDefault argument always gets evaluated, so it is good for values but not for function calls:
case maybeV of
Just v ->
Nothing ->
createNewV randomSeed -- complex calculation that takes very long.
|> Maybe.withDefault (createV randomSeed) -- the calculation will be performed always even when it is not necessary.
I guess that you can create a lazy version of withDefault:
withLazyDefault : (() -> a) -> Maybe a -> a
withLazyDefault fallbackFn mV =
case mV of
Just v ->
Nothing ->
fallbackFn ()
resolvedV =
|> withLazyDefault (\() -> createV randomSeed) -- only executed when needed.
Despite what @francescortiz is true, in this context I don’t think it really matters. I built a 50k LoC project without bothering with this kind of things and the app doesn’t have any performance issue… Don’t forget that:
Premature optimization is the root of (almost) all evil in programming
For the record, I settled on the following to draw the grid: the grid is responsible to place the cells so I can recover a curried function to draw the cell. Thanks @pdamoc for the inspiration!
cellView : Maybe Player -> Int -> Cell -> Shape Msg
cellView winner index cell =
case cell of
Just Circle ->
[ squareView
, circleView
Just Cross ->
[ squareView
, crossView
Nothing ->
case winner of
Nothing ->
squareView |> notifyTap (ClickMsg index)
_ ->
gridView grid winner =
cellPositions =
[ ( -100, 100 ), ( 0, 100 ), ( 100, 100 ), ( -100, 0 ), ( 0, 0 ), ( 100, 0 ), ( -100, -100 ), ( 0, -100 ), ( 100, -100 ) ]
Array.toList grid
|> List.indexedMap (cellView winner)
|> List.map2 move cellPositions
|> group
I still dislike how my code relies on convention for cell placement and victory condition, but I guess I should have modeled the grid as type alias Grid = Dict (Int, Int) Player or something.
You could use: elm-vector 3.0.2 to represent your board (since you only need 9-items vector , you could even write it yourself). That way, you can enforce that a cell coordinate is always “valid”.
Also, you could change your Model type to be:
type Model
= GameRunning { board: Board, currentPlayer: Player }
| GameEnded { winner : Player }
so it’s crystal clear what you have to display !