Dynamic list of td's

I have a BOOLEAN of showhurdle.
If True then show an extra td.
if False then do not show and extra td.

I have tried…
colspan 0

how can i exclude a td?
Else Nothing…

someBodyTds : Date -> List (Html msg)
someBodyTds date = let
    hurdlePoint =
        if showHurdle then
                -- TODO: This should hold the actual hurdle points.
                [ text "Hurdle 1 " ]

            --DONT show this TD AT ALL
            td [] [ text "I should not exist" ]
[ td 
        [ text "td ONE" ]
, td
    [ text Date.toIsoString date ]
, hurdlePoint
, td
    [ text " td THREE or FOUR depending... "]

A common solution is to replace td [] [ text "I should not exist" ] with text "".

Another solution is to build the list like this:

  ( [ [ td 
          [ text "td ONE" ]
      , td
          [ text Date.toIsoString date ]
    , hurdlePoint
    , [ td
        [ text " td THREE or FOUR depending... "]

Where hurdlePoint is List (Html msg) and returns [] if showHurdle is false.

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replacing with text "" still gives a td its just empty.
it then offsets the whole table. as the the table header has a colspan of 3 or 4.
So that does not work. Since I need the WHOLE td to either exist or not. not the text data.

i know I could do…

someBodyTds : Date -> List (Html msg)
someBodyTds date = let
    hurdlePoint =
        if showHurdle then
            [ td 
                [ text "td ONE" ]
            , td
                [ text Date.toIsoString date ]
            , td [] [ text "Hurdle 1" ]
            , td
                [ text " td THREE or FOUR depending... "]

            [ td 
                [ text "td ONE" ]
            , td
                [ text Date.toIsoString date ]
            , td
                [ text " td THREE or FOUR depending... "]

I meant something like this, which shouldn’t print an extra td if showHurdle is false.

someBodyTds : Date -> List (Html msg)
someBodyTds date = let
    hurdlePoint =
        if showHurdle then
                -- TODO: This should hold the actual hurdle points.
                [ text "Hurdle 1 " ]

            --DONT show this TD AT ALL
            text ""
[ td 
        [ text "td ONE" ]
, td
    [ text Date.toIsoString date ]
, hurdlePoint
, td
    [ text " td THREE or FOUR depending... "]
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Thank you so much!

Also List.concat is probably the better approach. it looks cleaner…

SomeBodyTds : Date -> List (Html msg)
forecastBottomThs date =
        hurdlePoint =
            if showHurdle then
                [ td [] [ text "text MAYBE 3" ] ]

        [ [ td [] [ text "text 1" ] ]
        , [ td [] [ text "text 2" ] ]
        , hurdlePoint
        , [ td [] [ text "text 3 or 4" ] ]
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