Elm Camp 2024 is less than 2 months away!
Elm Camp is for everyone. It’s not just for makers of Elm tooling or folks who write Elm code at work. It’s for anyone interested in Elm or the Elm community, past present and future. We gather together to share ideas and inspire each other towards a better future. Of course expect some nerd-ing out on functional programming and types and tooling - but we also make space for any conversation you’re interested in having on any topic.
If you thought about getting a ticket but worried about finance, please get in touch. We have grant funding available to help folks who are unable to cover the cost of attendance. We can help with travel, ticket and accommodation costs. Please apply whatever your circumstance. The grants aren’t for any specific type of person or situation, they are for anyone who wants to attend but feels it would be difficult to afford.
The deadline for applications is Weds 1 May 23:59(BST)
The application is simple: send an email to team@elm.camp with a brief paragraph about what motivates you to attend Elm Camp and how an opportunity grant could help. It really is only a paragraph we expect. Please don’t feel the need to carefully construct an essay. Applications are considered without your identity in mind and all applicants and grant recipients will remain confidential.
We are also aware that the benefit we gain from our beautiful, remote location brings with it the challenges of getting there. We’re planning to make the last leg of your journeys as easy as possible. Nearer the time, we’ll be reaching out to coordinate with attendees and will be providing a free shuttle or taxi service from nearby train stations.
Looking forward to seeing you in Dartmoor!
Katja (on behalf of the Elm Camp team)