Hello everyone - exciting announcement below!
There seems to be a general feeling in the community that it’s about time we gather again, to share Elm related ideas, inspirations and frustrations.
Over the last few months, a few folks have come together online to discuss potential ways to make that happen. We’ve made some enquiries and reached out to some potential sponsors and contributors.
Our plan is to hold a small & casual unconference style gathering, over 3 days and 2 nights. It’s open to everyone, regardless of role in the Elm community.
An unconference is a little bit different to a traditional conference in that every attendee is a potential speaker or session leader. People turn up. We make a plan together. We help each other carry out the plan. We feel that this format will suit the community in its current state, allowing everyone to share and discuss whatever is on their mind.
Now we need you!
We’ve come up with a plan and 2 potential venues.
Please fill in this Elm Camp Europe 2023 survey to let us know what you think about this idea and if you’d like to get involved by attending, organising or sponsoring.
Survey link: https://forms.gle/SouHBpEd52WynDiCA
If you have any questions or want to see a sponsorship prospectus, reach out to Katja on katjamordaunt@gmail.com or @katjam in Elm slack or discords.