This could help discovering new packages and allows to be notified with RSS of your projects dependencies or specific authors releases (see the Help page for more information).
Click/tap a release card to get details.
The server is also my very first program in Rust, so be indulgent if you give a look at the source
I have added a search box to find releases of packages containing any string in their name or description by using the new “search query”.
This means that you can generate a feed for any topic, for example if you want a feed for last packages releases containing elm-ui in their name or description:
As the last releases are per elm version, this also means that the website can be used to find packages for all elm versions. This could be useful to folks still using an old version, or to find packages that could deserve to be ported to the last version.
The website does not work for me, even after the recent update. I’m getting a Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'childNodes' of undefined in the console.