Elm-particle 1.0.1: create visual flourishes in SVG

I’ve been wanting something joyful to work on for the past monthish, so I’ve been hacking on a new library to do visual flourishes like confetti and fireworks with SVG. I’ve just published the first version: BrianHicks/elm-particle.

In particular, I’ve had a lot of fun with making confetti come out of the :tada: emoji from Mutant Standard. I’ve attached a GIF below, and you can read the code and play with it yourself in the example docs.


(important caveat: I am not good at creating smooth GIFs, but that runs at 60fps in my browser. Give it a go at the link above!)

Enjoy! And please share your creations with me if you build anything with this. :heart:


This API looks great! The docs are thorough and friendly and the resulting animations look very smooth. Also, the fact that the streamers have more drag than the squares is brilliant :ok_hand:.

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That’s really cool, perfect for a celebratory message I’ve been needing for a while in an Elm app, but hampered by my lack of skills in animation. Thanks for sharing, and all the effort you’ve put into docs and examples etc.!

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