Elm Town 72 – 435 million reasons to love Elm + Elixir with Erik Person

This week in Elm Town, Erik Person shares how he joined Corvus Insurance as the first engineer building the system from scratch with Elm and Elixir. We talk about onboarding, culture, and growing the team. He exclaims his excitement for the next phase of acquisition by Travelers.

Elm Town 72 – 435 million reasons to love Elm + Elixir with Erik Person:

Thanks to Erik Person for coming to Elm Town.

Thanks to @lenards for helping produce the episode! :bowing_man:


I’m very curious to hear more about scaling. Elm is still way faster for cold compile times than any other language I’ve worked with. Curious how much code we’re talking about here because Vendr has around 600k lines of Elm and it’s still not our bottleneck build wise.


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