I’ve hit a bit of a bump concerning the getViewport
and getViewportOf
DOM handlers.
Using a Browser.application
framework, with a subscription to Browser.Events.onResize
, I need to find the width of a div
in my model.
Here’s a MWE view:
view : Model -> Browser.Document Msg
view model =
{ title = "MWE"
, body =
[ div [ Html.Attributes.id "gallery" ] <| displayImages model.images model.viewportWidth
The images and model.viewportWidth
are loaded on the init
call, displayImages
returns List (Html Msg)
comes from a task which requests getViewportOf "gallery"
, and uses Viewport.viewport.width
. The onResize
subscription fires off the same command when the window is resized.
The problem I have is that the initial div width seems to be wrong… If I load my application, alignment of my images is not as expected, but as soon as I resize the window everything aligns correctly. Take a look at the debug log below. The initial width captured on load is 823:
This is larger than I expect, since I then resize the window to be wider than it was initially, and then return a smaller than initial width of 809. This width is correct as far as I’m concerned.
So. This could have something to do with chrome’s default margin settings perhaps? Is there a way I can make the div ignore these margins initially? I tried to fix this by forcing a style on the div:
div [ Html.Attributes.id "gallery", Html.Attributes.style "width" "800px" ] ...
gives me a good initial value, but obviously defeats the purpose of this exercise.
div [ Html.Attributes.id "gallery", Html.Attributes.style "width" "100%" ] ...
yields the same issues as above, so is ultimately no help.