Introducing elm-pages v2!

Hello everyone,

I’m very excited to announce the next major release of elm-pages!

This release represents a huge improvement for elm-pages in terms of features, developer experience, and performance. It introduces a completely custom dev server with absolutely no webpack, that gives you hot module replacement as you change Elm code and data (like markdown files)! It also replaces some specific features with more flexible and universal building blocks, opening up a lot of new use cases, and using fewer core concepts to enable more possibilities. And all that with the type-safety and robust feedback we’ve come to expect in the Elm ecosystem.

To celebrate 2.0, here is a blog post and an Elm Radio episode :smiley:


Congratulations on the release! This looks really cool. Now I have one fewer excuse to start my blog :smiley:

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Great work @dillonkearns!

Looking forward to playing around more deeply with DataSource.


wonderful work! elm-pages has been one of the most useful tools in the elm ecosystem for my pet projects.

Thank you very much!


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