Hi there !
Months ago, I wrote my first Elm program. It is a File explorer that uses Electron.
The global feedback of this experience is that Elm is really enjoyable to write UI and the “ports” are really usefull to write unsafe code.
Why OCaml and not PureScript for the ports? I mean, PureScript philosophy is nearest from elm than OCaml. In OCaml, you have object, you don’t have the Eff monad, etc. My first intuition would be to go with PS, so maybe OCaml is a better choice?
I chose OCaml because I love OCaml and to be honest, I am more comfortable with OCaml than with PureScript. (But PureScript is on my short-time-todo-list).
In OCaml, you have object
Yes, and Object fit very well with the JavaScript environement. But be reassured, you can write pure-object without state-mutation