Real world style-elments examples?

Hi there, does anyone know of any “real world” (more polished etc) style-elements example? I’m new to Elm and really like the library, but some of the documentation is a bit light (totally understandable) and I’m not great on CSS anyway. I learned a ton from Richard’s elm-spa-example, and if there were anything even remotely similar that used style-elements that’d be awesome.

Alternatively, would anyone have any suggestions in terms of resources or suggestions for learning more about the parts of “normal” CSS that are still applicable and useful when using style-elements?

Appreciate any help!


Hello, great that you are interested in style-elements. I suggest that you hang out on slack in channel #style-elements where a bunch of people (including Matthew himself) will help you out. The first suggestion you might get though, is to try out stylish-elephants that is a big API design improvement compared to style-elements. Even less resources available though so definitely join the slack channel and talk with others there!

You can check out It’s open sourced.

I found a handful of repos but unfortunately they are still small:

My static site generator also uses style-elements but that’s a bit of an unusual use case so I’m not sure how useful it would be to you (Page.elm is the file to check out):

I built mob programming timer app called Mobster. It’s an Electron app that uses Style Elements!


This is awesome - much more substantial than the examples I found! GitHub search wasn’t very helpful and I wasn’t able to find your project :frowning:

I’m glad it’s helpful! I’m excited to upgrade to the stylish-elephants alpha eventually, I love the removal of classes in favor of inline styles!

My password manager uses style elements for the UI.
I’m no designer, but it might be worth checking out.

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