Does anyone know of a text editor which has both Elm syntax highlighting, and also Project support where it remembers opened files when I open project, but otherwise does not remember opened files?
I’ve been testing some editors but havn’t found one yet:
Atom - can’t save projects at all
Sublime Text - can’t be setup so that opened files are remembered for project, but not otherwise
Emacs - too slow
Vim - too strange
ps. My usual editor is Geany which does have the features I want, except no Elm support.
I open visual studio code by navigating to my project folder with cd dev/whatever/ and running code . in that folder. This way vscode does remember the open files.
Yes, opened files are remembered, but that information is not saved to actual project-file (projectname.code-workspace). Instead the opened files are saved to storage.json in users config-directory (~/.config/Code for Linux).
This is just not acceptable as those settings can’t be backuped along with the rest of the project.
Atom does have various project management plugins (e.g. project-manager or project-plus) and combined with its generally excellent elm plugins maybe gives you what you want.